I. Purpose

In order to preserve our athletic history, the Eagles Sports Hall of Fame was founded as a non-profit entity. The Hall of Fame is organized for the purpose of recognizing the rich tradition of athletic success at Southwest High School. It serves as a means of honoring and recognizing the athletes and coaches who made significant contributions to the Eagles tradition of excellence. Induction ceremonies are held annually.

II. Selection Committee

A. While there are no specific qualifications for committee members, care shall be exercised to select members who have knowledge of the athletic history of Southwest High and are representative of the various periods of that history. Members of the committee must abstain from voting if they, or a relative, is a candidate for induction.

B. To ensure that various periods of school history are equally represented on voting matters, some committee members will be designated ex officio (non-voting) members. Ex officio members can participate in the discussion of candidates but cannot vote on induction or other matters.

C. After the initial committee is formed, members can be added to the committee by a majority vote of existing voting members. The committee aspires to have a diverse membership.

D. There are no term limits for members. Any committee member who misses a majority of meetings in a given school year will automatically be removed from the committee, unless the committee specifically votes to retain that member. The current athletic director of Southwest High, if he or she chooses, is automatically a member of the committee and is not subject to the aforementioned attendance requirement.

E. The voting members shall elect a President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The President will preside over meetings, the Secretary will record and maintain minutes from meetings, and the Treasurer will keep an accounting of any funds raised for the Hall and any disbursements made by the Hall.

F. If there are more than two candidates for a position as an officer, the top two vote-getters will advance to a runoff vote.

III. Criteria for Induction

A. Candidates must be accomplished coaches, athletes, teams or other individuals whose effort and commitment have brought honor and prestige to Southwest athletics. Athletes must have completed their senior seasons at Southwest and have been out of school for at least 10 years. Student-athletes who transferred to another school for their senior year are not eligible for induction. Candidates who are/were coaches are immediately eligible even if still coaching at Southwest.

B. When considering coaches and student-athletes for induction, distinction in either their Southwest career, post-high school career, or both, shall be considered.

C. A committee member must nominate a candidate for induction to be considered by the voting members. A minimum positive vote of 60% of members present is required for induction. No less than five and no more than ten candidates will be inducted in the same year.

D. Candidates who are not nominated or fail to gain the requisite votes for induction can be re- considered the following year. There is no year limit to review a candidate’s qualifications with the following exception: Any candidate for induction who receives less than 20% of the total votes will not automatically be reconsidered the following year. Candidates eliminated by this provision may be re-nominated in future years.

IV. Induction Ceremony

A. An Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony will occur every year either on campus, or if not available, another suitable venue. The President of the Hall will coordinate with a designee of the principal to choose a date, site, and time for the ceremony.

B. Each inductee will be invited to attend the Hall of Fame ceremony. If the inductee is unable to attend or is deceased, a representative may be designated to accept the honor for the inductee. Inductees unable to travel can be inducted via Zoom (or similar online platform). On the evening of the induction, new members are guests of honor at the induction dinner although transportation costs cannot be covered. New members are presented with a Hall of Fame memento.

The committee also is responsible for producing a program which will be distributed to guests attending the induction ceremony. The program also will serve as a fund-raising tool through the sale of advertisements in the program.

V. Accounting of Funds

A. Every financial transaction related to the ceremony is overseen by the committee treasurer. Income to The Hall will be derived from donations and tickets to the induction ceremony.

B. The income will be used to fund the induction ceremony and mementos for the inductees. Any remaining monies will be used to fund the following year’s induction ceremony.

C. Should additional funds remain after the following year’s ceremony is funded, that money will be disbursed to benefit existing Southwest High athletic teams. In order to properly allocate the necessary funds, coaches are required to submit in written form, the reason for the financial assistance. The committee will review all forms submitted by the coaches. A majority vote by the voting members of committee will determine fund allocation. The committee will attempt to distribute the funds through a fair and equitable process.

D. Upon dissolution of the Hall, any remaining assets will be used exclusively for section 501(c)(3) exempt purposes.

VI. Bylaws

The voting members of the Committee may amend these Bylaws by a majority vote and adopt any policies not enumerated in these Bylaws.

 VII. Conflict of Interest

A. Purpose. The purpose of the conflict of interest policy is to protect this tax-exempt organization's interest when it is contemplating entering into a transaction or arrangement that might benefit the private interest of a committee member or might result in a possible excess benefit transaction. This policy is intended to supplement but not replace any applicable state and federal laws governing conflict of interest applicable to nonprofit and charitable organizations.

B. Existence of Conflict, Disclosure.  Committee members of Eagles Sports Hall of Fame should refrain from any actions or activities that impair, or appear to impair, their objectivity in the performance of their duties on behalf of the Corporation. A conflict of interest may exist when the direct, personal, financial or other interest(s) of any committee member competes or appears to compete with the interests of the Corporation. If any such conflict of interest arises the interested person shall call it to the attention of the committee for resolution. If the conflict relates to a matter requiring committee action, such person shall not vote on the matter. When there is a doubt as to whether any conflict of interest exists, the matter shall be resolved by a vote of the committee, excluding the person who is the subject of the possible conflict.

C. Non-participation in Vote.  The person having a conflict shall not participate in the final deliberation or decision regarding the matter under consideration and shall retire from the room or Zoom meeting in which the committee is meeting. However, the person may be permitted to provide the committee with all relevant information.

D. Minutes of Meeting.  The minutes of the meeting of the committee shall reflect that the conflict was disclosed, and the interested person was not present during the final discussion or vote and did not vote on the matter.

E. Annual Review.  A copy of this conflict of interest statement shall be furnished to each committee member who is presently serving the Corporation, or who hereafter becomes associated with the Corporation. This policy shall be reviewed annually for information and guidance of committee members, and new committee members shall be advised of the policy upon undertaking the duties.